Shlichim Host Family

Shalom! Thank you for your interest in hosting our shlichim this summer. We will have two female Israeli emissaries staying in Richmond from May 19-August 18, 2024. Aside from their work with our camp programs, spending time with host families will be the most meaningful aspect of their time here. We are looking forward to a rewarding and enjoyable experience for everyone involved!


What are the important dates?

    • Sunday, May 19: Shlichim arrives in Richmond
    • Sunday, May 26: Camp Training at Camp Hilbert
    • Monday, May 20 – 23: Camp Staff Training at the Weinstein JCC
    • Wednesday, May 22: Meet the Schlichim Happy Hour
      • 5-6 pm at the Weinstein JCC
    • Sunday, June 2: Open House at Camp Hilbert
    • Monday, June 3: First Day of Specialty Camps and Camp Hilbert
    • Monday, July 1-3; July 5: No Camp Hilbert this week.
    • Thursday, July 4: Day off; No Specialty Camps or Camp Hilbert
    • Thursday, August 15: Shlichim Farewell Happy Hour
      • 5-6:30 pm at the Weinstein JCC
    • Host Session Dates: Two-week sessions beginning Friday, May 24
      • Session I: May 24 – June 7
      • Session II: June 7 – June 21
      • Session III: June 21 – July 5 (no camp Thursday, July 4)
      • Session IV: July 5 – July 19
      • Session V: July 19 – August 2
      • Session VI: August 2 – August 18* (Camp ends Thursday, August 15)
        • *2 additional nights
    • “Switch Days”: Each host session ends on a Friday. On the morning of the last Friday of the session, shlichim will need to drop off their belongings at the Weinstein JCC before boarding the bus to camp that morning. Items will be stored at the Weinstein JCC for the day. The new host family will pick up the shlichim and their belongings at the Weinstein JCC at the end of the camp day.

What are the responsibilities of a host family?

    • Accommodations: The host family will host both of our Shlichim for the full two weeks of the session. Each shaliach must have a separate bed in a private room with a door and access to a bathroom/shower. The bathroom/shower space may be shared with the rest of the family if needed.
    • Meals: Host families are responsible for providing all meals (including daily dairy lunch for camp). Families will receive a Kroger gift card to be used to purchase grocery items for the shlichim. We will notify host families if there are any specific dietary needs or allergies.
    • Family Time: It is our hope and intention that the shlichim become a part of your family in the two weeks they are with you. Feel free to plan family outings, day trips and special dinners with the shlichim included. This may be their first time visiting the United States and/or Richmond, Va and a great opportunity to show them around!
    • Transportation: The host family must provide transportation to and from the Weinstein JCC (or Gaskins Bus Stop if space allows) for the shlichim each camp day according to the schedule. Shared rides with other counselors and/or  JCC staff members are permitted. Uber is also an option.
LoactionDrop off byPick up between
Weinstein JCC: 5403 Monument Ave7:45 am4:30 – 6:00 pm
Gaskins Parking Lot8:00 am4:00 – 4:15 pm
Camp Hilbert8:45 am3:40 – 3:45 pm

What rules are the shlichim expected to follow?

    • Socializing with Friends: As the summer goes on, the shlichim usually make friends with other camp counselors. At times, the camp staff will plan to go out in the evenings after camp or on the weekends. It is best if the host family have an open and honest conversation with the shlichim about the expectations of family time. For example, the host family may want to designate certain evenings for the shlichim to spend with their family (ie: Shabbat dinner on Friday, etc). We suggest involving the shlichim in the planning of such events to make things easier and more comfortable for all.
    • House Rules: As your guests, the shlichim are expected to follow the rules of your home. They all understand and expect this to be the case. Upon their arrival, plan to discuss any expectations or rules you may have (ie: curfew, use of the family vehicle, having friends over, keeping their space neat, etc.).
    • Absences from Camp: During their stay in Richmond, the shlichim are considered to be staff members of the Weinstein JCC. They need to arrive on time for their camp training and work and not miss any days or portions of days for travel or other activities. We ask for your cooperation in helping them adhere to that expectation.
    • Hosting Multiple Sessions: We appreciate everyone’s excitement and enthusiasm for hosting the shlichim. We know it is a wonderful experience and that some host families may want to host multiple sessions. Since we want to allow as many interested families as possible to have this experience, each host family will initially be limited to one two-week session. Should additional sessions become available, we will open them up to current host families. Additionally, host families are expected to accommodate both shlichim for the full 2-week session.

How do we sign up? Any other next steps?

    • Complete the Host Family Application Form and be sure to indicate all the sessions you can host in rated order. Return the completed form to Leslie McGuigan at [email protected] no later than Friday, May 10.
    • Once we have a final schedule put together, we will provide you with the names and bios of the shlichim along with any dietary requirements they may have. You will have an opportunity to meet the shlichim on Wednesday, June 23 from 5-6 pm at the Weinstein JCC.

Who do I contact with questions or issues that may arise?

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