COVID-19 Safety Protocols

The Weinstein JCC is committed to the health and safety of our community above all.


Face masks at the Weinstein JCC are OPTIONAL for members, visitors, students, and staff.

If you are exposed to COVID-19, we ask you to follow these steps:

  • Per the updated CDC guidelines, Weinstein JCC members who have
    been exposed to COVID-19 are recommended to wear a mask in all
    indoor spaces, including when exercising.
  • Mask should be worn for 10 days following the last day of exposure and
    it’s suggested you seek testing around day 5 of exposure.

If you test positive for COVID-19, we ask you to follow these steps:

  • If you feel sick or are experiencing COVID symptoms, we ask that you
    continue to self-screen, stay home, and get tested.
  • Following a 5-day quarantine, you are welcome to return but we
    suggest you wear a mask in all indoor spaces, including when
  • Per the CDC guidelines, after quarantining, it is recommended that you
    continue masking until you receive two sequential negative results to
    discontinue mask use.

Please note that these updates are in response to current data. We will let you know
if anything changes.

We appreciate your commitment to the Weinstein JCC and our collective health
and well-being.

For information about COVID-19 preventative measures, please visit
the CDC and Virginia Department of Health websites.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email Jennifer Adams, COVID-19 Coordinator, at [email protected] and she will respond as best and as quickly as possible.