We Will Dance Again

Directed by Yariv Mozer
Israel, 2024
English & Hebrew
with English Subtitles
90 Minutes
RESCHEDULED for Wednesday, January 8 @ 6:30 PM
New Location! The Weinstein JCC at 5403 Monument Avenue, Sisisky Room
Co-presented by Jewish Community Federation of Richmond

Friendship, love, peace and freedom—these ideals drew young hearts from around the globe to Nova’s EDM music festival in the South of Israel. But as the sun rose on October 7th, the fantasy shattered.
Rockets sliced through the sky, and the dancing stopped. Confusion morphed into fear as gunfire erupted amidst the chaos. Terror breached the border fence and unleashed violence on the unsuspecting people in its rawest form.
It is a stark portrayal of the experiences of those who survived and those who didn’t. The film meticulously reconstructs the events, capturing the raw emotions and heroism that emerged.
Note: some images and content may be disturbing. Appropriate for ages 16+.
Post-screening discussion with Yuval Siman Tov, survivor of the Nova Music Festival, and Community Shlicha, Tal Bahar, to follow the film.
Tickets must be purchased in advance. Must present government-issued ID at check-in.
We Will Dance Again
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The 16th Annual Israeli & Jewish Film Festival has ended for this year. Hope to see you next year!

About Yuval Siman Tov
24 years old, founder and CEO of the “Jesta” organization, which works to improve the quality of life for senior citizens.
The organization focuses on alleviating loneliness among the elderly through collaboration with teenagers and professionals who specialize in repairs and renovations in their homes.
Yuval served in the Israel Defense Forces as a combat intelligence collector and completed his service with the distinction of an outstanding soldier. He was the youngest candidate in Israel’s municipal elections in 2023.
About a year ago, Yuval attended a Nova party, where he was shot in the back and witnessed the loss of two of his friends in front of his eyes.
Currently, Yuval manages the organization and serves as a project manager for youth and sports promotion. He lectures worldwide on his personal story and young entrepreneurship, while simultaneously studying psychology and criminology